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Dr.C. did two talks at the Herkimer Diamond Festival (July)which are in a Youtube movie. The research on the Herkimer District is in need of samples and photos.

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Healing and Changing Herkimer Diamonds - The Last Quartz Event

Initial field investigations (2010) suggest that there is a very late quartz event following, or tied to, the very end of the Herkimer diamond crystal growing event.  More evidence to support this needs to be gathered and support from the community is welcomed.

Below is the photographic evidence.

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W. David Hoisington, Ph.D.

To find evidence of a post Herkimer "healing" event we need to find textures that occur on broken surfaces or on a crystal face.  These are faint but you can see them if you just turn the crystal into the sunlight at just the right angle.  The photo below is of a double terminated crystal that is more skeletal (step features are inside the crystal) than hopper and has a pair of crystals attached (top right).  It is 10 cm long, collected with permission from TCR.  The unusual texture, center bottom, looks "ghostly", like it was spray painted on to the crystal.  To the touch it is a very fine feature (not much relief).  Photo Dr.C.,  2010. 

July, 2011
