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Photos and Art Work by Dr. C.
Best Website for Herkimer Diamond Information - Made Possible by Collector Donations
The information, and photography, on this website is copyright protected by W. David Hoisington, Ph. D. unless another author/photographer is cited.
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In the side show there will be images of photography an art work by Dr. C.   Signed canvas prints of this art are now available to the public.
Return to Art Catalog
Dr. C. will then contact you to confirm your request.
W. David Hoisington, PhD PO Box 107 Danbury, NH 03230
You can also order any image that is on - Just send the webpage address and the photo name by email or snail mail.
Dr C art and sculptures for purchase can be found at
Updated - 03/09/2019
Contribute to Herkimer Diamond research and have your name below!
Thank you Shannon Haley Wilbur for the donation of 30 samples from the Fonda region.1/05/2019 and 3/2/2019 Check out her Facebook.
Photo Request!
In Place Pocket Photos